The Voice of NH's Hospitality Industry
How We Protect the Industry
The NHLRA is the only advocate for the hospitality industry in New Hampshire, and we take that responsibility very seriously. By advocating for policies that sustain our industry and reduce the burden of regulation, we ensure the continued success of the hospitality industry in New Hampshire.
The NHLRA retains a lobbyist who works closely with the NHLRA President & CEO, Board of Directors, and Government Affairs Committee to develop strategies for opposing potentially harmful legislation and working to see that supportive legislation is passed. We ensure our members’ interests are represented at the federal level through our partnership with the National Restaurant Association.
The real dollar value of a restaurant association far exceeds the cost of dues, even if you only consider the lobbying and representation. Membership can be the difference between success and failure.
How Can I Help Protect My Business?
Maintain an
NHLRA Membership
An NHLRA membership is the best way to stay up-to-date on the laws that could impact your business. Our members receive weekly legislative updates when the General Court is in session. They also receive action alerts on key issues to make adding their voice easy and effective.
Write a Letter to the Editor
Writing short, personalized letters to the editor is an important advocacy tool. These letters are read by thousands of people and monitored by elected officials.
Contact Elected Officials
Lawmakers often log every call and letter they receive from constituents. They want to hear feedback on the issues that affect you and your business. Letting them know what’s involved in operating a hospitality business and following regulations is a powerful way to persuade them to craft policy that reflects the needs of the industry.
The NHLRA is a nonpartisan organization and doesn’t endorse candidates running for office. We do, however, encourage everyone to make their voices heard at the ballot box.
Attend a Roundtable
The NHLRA relies on input from our members to guide our public policy positions. Attending a roundtable event with fellow hospitality owners, operators, and managers is the most effective way to shape the discussion.
Donate to the
NH Hospitality Advocacy Fund
The New Hampshire Hospitality Advocacy Fund supports candidates for elected office who have consistently stood up for the state’s hospitality and foodservice industry. These officials understand that a healthy industry translates into a stronger economy.
Determining Our Policy Positions
The NHLRA works closely with its lobbyist, Board of Directors, and input from members to identify the bills that could impact the industry.
Once we've identified those issues, the NHLRA takes one of three positions:
The NHLRA also takes a proactive stance in introducing bills to protect and improve our industry. Thanks to these advocacy efforts and our members' support, we've established a strong track record of legislative success.
Who Can I Speak to Regarding Advocacy Questions?
Who is on the NHLRA's Government Relations Team?

Henry Veilleux is a partner of the Sheehan Phinney Capitol Group, a government affairs firm located in Concord, NH.
Henry has been lobbying in New Hampshire for 22 years and has been the NHLRA's lobbyist since 1999. He is our eyes and ears in the New Hampshire Legislature and works closely with the Governor's Office and state agencies. Henry prepares our weekly legislative update and provides advice and counsel to the association and members who have issues with state government.