State Seeks Opinions on Tourism Strategy

From BusinessNH Magazine

New Hampshire residents are being asked to participate in an online survey aimed at helping inform the future of tourism in the state. Tourism is the state’s second largest industry and a vital economic engine. The survey is one part of the research being gathered to help in the development of a five-year statewide tourism strategy, and an aligned implementation plan. 

The Division of Travel and Tourism Development’s (DTTD) is collaborating with Jones Lang Lasalle Americas (JLL), a national destination strategies firm, on the tourism development strategy. 

The survey should take about 15 to 20 minutes. Questions include how residents’ view NH, perceptions of people traveling to the state, views on tourism and also how the state is marketed outside of NH.

As part of the information gathering process, members of the state’s tourism industry are also being asked to participate in a stakeholder survey. That survey asks questions such as: what are the state’s strengths as a destination? What are its weaknesses? What are opportunities to improve the state’s tourism and hospitality industry? Survey responses are confidential.  

 The resident survey and the industry stakeholder survey can be accessed here on